AD:西澤明洋 D:渡部孝彦
施主:G735 Gallery
ウッドシティTOKYOモデル建築賞 奨励賞
DSA日本空間デザイン賞 入選
ディスプレイ産業賞 入選
tecture mag(JP)
G735 Gallery
銀座1丁目から8丁目までの「銀座の縮図」をS:1/43のミニチュアカーのスケールで描いた「GINZA MAP」を展示エリアの床全体に敷設し、1/1スケールの実車と銀座の縮図を併置した「ここならでは」を体験できる空間である。プレキャストコンクリートでできた600角の床版を1400枚使用し、それらは硬化遅延材を施したシートを用いて打設を行うことにより、硬化してできたコンクリート面が地図の図柄を構成している。また硬化していない部位は水洗いを行い基材を露出させることで地を形成している。この場所が、街路、車道、そして街へ、銀座の街路空間にシームレスにつながることを意図した。
GINZA MAP" Embodies "Only Here
This is a plan for an imported car gallery in Ginza 7-chome, which has evolved from the conventional car brokerage system to a new form that directly connects customers to buy and sell cars. The project was to be located on the ground floor of a 50-year-old building on the corner of Sotobori-dori, with a total length of 55 meters facing the street. In addition to being used as a car gallery, the space was to be used to hold regular events to introduce Japanese culture and art for overseas tourists and visitors from the countryside, and to be available for rental. The theme of the project was how to make the gara-do space more attractive in the city. The "GINZA MAP," a miniature car scale of S:1/43 depicting a "miniature of Ginza" from Ginza 1-chome to Ginza 8-chome, was laid across the entire floor of the exhibition area, creating a space where visitors could experience "only here" by juxtaposing a 1/1 scale real car and a miniature of Ginza. The floor is made up of 1,400 precast concrete slabs of 600 square meters each, which are cast using sheets with a curing retarder, so that the hardened concrete surfaces form the design of the map. The uncured areas were washed with water to expose the base material to form the ground. The intention was to create a seamless connection between this site and the Ginza street space, from the street, to the roadway, and then to the city. Mirror-polished black stainless steel sashes are used for the exterior, and cypress wood louvers are inlaid on the back panels. By penetrating them into the interior ceiling, the entire view of the gallery was expressed as a "big wooden box. The cluster of cars stored in the wooden box emits light, triggering a sense of anticipation in pedestrians walking in the city. An aluminum box that also serves as indirect lighting is installed in the beam section of the straight ceiling, and all base illumination other than spotlights that directly illuminate the car bodies is secured by indirect lighting. Since many foreign tourists visit the building, a tea ceremony room space with Ryukyu tatami mats and a lacquer highlight stage floating on gravel were installed as an exhibition space to introduce Japanese culture and art. In order to obtain a free space free from legal restrictions even in an existing building, a 3.6-meter-high straight ceiling with an exterior without smoke exhaust windows was realized based on the floor evacuation safety verification, allowing for integrated use without partitions.