2018年10月に公募型プロポーザルで選定され基本計画策定から取り組んだ。当初は競技カヌー振興に重点的に貢献できる施設構成を求められたが、補足的に掲げられていた地域のアクティビティを通じた観光の要素をさらに発展させ計画骨子の両輪とする事で、自律的な施設運営を目指すこ とが、2018年11月から2019年1月までに計3回実施したワークショップで顕在化した。
中山間地域は、場所の大半が山(傾斜地)である。山々の間に川が流れ、川と山の間の僅かな平地に集落が形成される。自然環境に僅かに手を加え、自然と一体の新しい生活環境を獲得している。嶺北地域を象徴するさめうら湖は、四国地方の生活を支える水瓶として、自然地形とダムが一体に混 ざり合い雄大な湖面環境を形成している。同じく地域の魅力的景観のひとつである相川の棚田も、自然の斜面に人が手を加え、段差の中に見事な水田の景観を構築している。嶺北地域の既存景観の中に、切り開かれた人び との生活が一体的に融合し、新しい生活環境を形成していると言える。それが中山間地域という場所の魅力である。
青少年等の家として役割を担った旧さめうら荘が隣地に移設され、あらわになった段差や擁壁等の微 地形と変形した地型に、それらを紡ぎ合わせるように建築を挿入した.建築が環境を切り取るのではなく、既存環境と建築が混ざり合う中に多様な場所を生み出したかった。周囲の山並みに馴染み浮遊する大屋根を架けることにより、内外を問わず敷地全体が競技カヌー振興と同時にレジャー・観光にも資する施設として機能している。湖面への眺望を獲得する中央の開放的な伽藍堂空間は、土佐町のアウトドアアクティビティや農業・自然体験などのガイド拠点として、フレキシブルな活用を受容する場となる。同時に迫り出した大きな軒下空間はそれらの休憩やコミュニケーションに寄与するさまざまな中間領域を生み出す。施設運営者や利用者がこの場所を使いこなし、町が目指す競技カヌー振興とスポーツ観光の更なる発展に繋がることを願っている。
(文:新建築2020年11月号 解説文より)
Large roof to awaken resources lying dormant in the community
The project was selected in October 2018 through an open call for proposals and worked on from the basic planning stage. Initially, the plan called for a facility structure that would focus on contributing to the promotion of competitive canoeing, but the aim of autonomous facility operation by further developing the tourism component through local activities, which was mentioned as a supplement to the plan, and making it a part of both parts of the plan framework, became apparent during the three workshops held from November 2018 to January 2019. This was manifested in the workshops held three times from November 2018 to January 2019. In particular, the presence of a number of attractive "wayfinding guides" to guide the community became a special resource for the region. We worked closely with the town office to formulate a project income and expenditure plan and to prepare materials for a grant related to regional development. The fact that the Hayamaura Dam campground and Lake Sameura, located on the adjacent mountain side to the south, were included in the "Lake Station" as an integral part of the project was a result of our participation as a design team from the formulation of the basic plan prior to the specific design work, and we were able to fully utilize the characteristics of this plan. Most of the mountainous area is mountainous (sloping terrain). Rivers flow between the mountains, and settlements are formed on the few flat areas between the rivers and the mountains. The natural environment has been slightly modified to create a new living environment that is in harmony with nature. Lake Sameura, which symbolizes the Reinan region, is a water bottle that supports the livelihood of the Shikoku region. The natural topography and the dam combine to form a magnificent lake environment. The terraced rice paddies of Aikawa, also an attractive landscape in the region, have been man-made on natural slopes, creating a magnificent landscape of rice paddies in terraced terrain. It can be said that the people's lives have been integrated into the existing landscape of the Reinan region, forming a new living environment. This is the charm of the Chushan region. The former Sameura-so, which served as a home for young people, was moved to an adjacent site, and the architecture was inserted as if to weave it together with the microtopography and deformed landforms, such as the exposed steps and retaining walls. Rather than having the architecture cut out of the environment, we wanted to create a diverse place in which the existing environment and the architecture would mingle. By installing a large floating roof that blends in with the surrounding mountains, the entire site functions as a facility that promotes competitive canoeing as well as leisure and tourism, both inside and outside the building. The open space in the center, which offers a view of the lake, will be used flexibly as a base for guiding outdoor activities, agriculture, and nature experiences in Tosa Town. At the same time, the large space under the eaves creates various intermediate areas that contribute to rest and communication. We hope that facility operators and users will make full use of this place, and that it will lead to the further development of competitive canoeing and sports tourism that the town is aiming for.
(Text: Shin-Kenchiku, November 2020, Commentary)